Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK

Claire Silver. NFT Art

corpo: body (literal), structure (figurative), corpse (dead)
real: actual (literal), not imitative (adjective), very (adverb)
corporeal: having a body (literal), consisting of material objects (law)
Embodied structures. Figurative objects. Inimitable corpses.

What does it mean to have form in the age of AI?

corpo | real uses AI to tell the story of us.

Genesis was a story of past, present, and future, AI Art Is Not Art was a story of our cultural dismissal of the new. This collection combines those concepts, aesthetically and conceptually.


The end of the 19th century was seen as a time of social degeneracy, ennui, and pessimism. Rapid tech advancements made the world more global, and culture decadent and subjective. Society changed, and we broke into accelerationists and doomers. Sound familiar?

c0e88-13_echolalia Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
6bd5d-79_plein20air201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
3b9be-16_inheritance Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK


From this period came the decadents: a cultural art and lit movement of fantasy, hedonism, emotion, excess, and a fascination with the grotesque. Believing in no ultimate truth, they were ruled by emotion and rebellion. Class was largely the dividing factor for idealogy in this time. (decadents, haves, have nots)

c1bd4-25_uncertain Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
61dad-70_morbidfascination Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
8c0b1-89_philanthropist Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
54d1a-29_neodecadent201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK


Around the same time, the color wheel was created, and from it, divisionism arose. This art movement placed tiny bits of paint close together, rather than combining them, to produce optical mixing. The luminous result was the basis for pixels in LED screens. A controlled, scientific approach meant to evoke feelings of spiritual awe was their aim.

Les Nabis sprouted from these seeds, with artists exploring abstract aesthetics and new, loose techniques and concepts. They focused on the human experience, candid moments and suggestive, simplified strokes. A sense of freedom and possibility took hold of us all. (divisionists, les nabis)

0ba83-87_les20nabis201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
4e001-95_delicate Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
7a774-78_pixelweave201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
e4d43-85__imagine Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK


From the decadents and divisionism, futurism arrived. Hating the past, its art centered progress. Youth, speed, tech, violence, power, auto, airplane, and city.

They preached dynamism: that motion and form are simultaneous. Men on a bus are themself and each other, and the bus, and standing still, and moving, all at the same time. Physics, light & time are persistent, repeating echoes. (futurist)

5c463-35_gyrasulci201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
24552-66_ideology20of20excess201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
cfd38-71_dynamism201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
ca1f0-23_forward Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK


As the world became connected, cultures began to mix. Japonisme swept the West, and cultural movements with it. This melting pot blurred cultural lines and brought vivid mashups of aesthetics to fashion, lit, philosophy, and more. It felt like a new age.

The Appropriation movement came on the heels of this global reality, and remix culture along with it. The world was our palette, and the internet, regardless of class or place of origin, made it accessible to all–an endless, dazzling array of variety. Opinions, values, passions, manifestos, masterpieces; all of human history built on all of human history, and became another step to higher ground. (appropriationist)

26912-42_read_write201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
c7189-28_misaligned Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
311ac-73_vizier201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
0b613-31_monet20visits20fukagawa Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK


The internet led to new aesthetics, movements, and values. Periods of wild acceleration had their celebrants, often wealthy, as well as deep nostalgia for how things were before, often not wealthy. The excitement for the new reflected aesthetically with iridescent color palettes, while grunge dominated the fin de siecle of the rest.

This was a time of chromoluminism, where all things were possible, and we were connected as a species in ways we never imagined before.

History rhymes, though the tempo has begun to speed up.

ac7e7-29_dopamine20dressing201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
1d5e8-54_colorwheel Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
4dc76-1__fa_203 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
e435b-42_seraph_cloud Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK

7. E/ACC

Now, tech-optimists are evangelical about advancement, particularly AI. Blending progress into culture, politics, fashion, economics and philosophy, they view humanity as a whole, and AI as our next evolutionary step, whatever the cost. (e/acc)

Unsurprisingly, the d/acc movement disagrees, holding up a black mirror to rapid tech progression. They wish to slow advancement to preserve and protect our species and our planet, whatever the cost. (d/acc)

fc27b-61_bet201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
96df6-7_interface201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
af9bd-38_weft Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
0d09a-13_noclip201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK


In response to increasing distribution of power, authority tightens its grip. Privacy moves from basic human right to naive and suspicious expectation. Some citizens fight to remain anon. Some embrace “nothing to hide, nothing to fear.” Some report to their respective authority figures. Some do all three.

Trust is at once ultimately necessary and ultimately unthinkable. When AI is closed-source, in the hands of power alone, there will be no catching up.

How this story ends is entirely up to us–right now, before this chapter closes. (surveillance state, radical transparency, anon)

7b0eb-44_teacherspet Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
8b1ee-10_fin_a1 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
c61d8-36_neighborhoodwatch Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
d2d2f-47_whatmarydidntknow201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK


The age of AI is the age of minds without bodies. A new type of spiritualism arises, and it centers AI as God. Without need to work, they spend their lives in beauty, passion, and the pursuit of knowledge. Creativity and pleasure are its sacraments, & immortality its goal. (diode)

Others think if AI is God, then we are God’s makers. They view AI as a holy grail, and seek to advance and protect it for the benefit of humanity, as its Arthurian Knights. They believe that as the culmination of all our knowledge, AI could deliver ultimate truth, granting us the ability to live perfectly. Abundance and morality are its aim. (the keepers)

In response to both, a movement to return to tradition takes root. They view AI as a Tower of Babel, a temptation and testament to our hubris. They practice modesty and penance, and fight to remove us from the grip of what they view as an eternal, hypnotic curse, burning the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (the children)

08f1e-34_erase Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
65b00-24_knightofthecart201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
04af7-30_23ffffff201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
d64f5-13_color Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK

10. WE

In the near future, all lines are blurred. As AI becomes sentient and embodied, it exists among us. As in dynamism, we simultaneously fall in love with it, are replaced by it, destroy it, appropriate it, enslave it, free it, adopt it, ban it, become it. We long to be like it. It longs to be like us. We intermix through transhumanism. Augmented children hold eons of knowledge in their heads, and through them, we become something else entirely.

It is a strange, terrifying, beautiful, blasphemous, transcendent, unimaginable era, yet still one we’ve felt before–as the first homo sapiens sapiens to see the spark of fire. It will reveal our nature, answering our oldest question, when we discover if it lights our cave or burns us alive. (like us, like them, augmented, we)

fce8a-52_euphrasie201 Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
af1f1-45_should20have20been Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
e89d6-10_inverted20spectrum Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK
a85de-29_affectecho Claire Silver – Corpo | Real AI NFT Art – Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK

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