Happy Sunday! What better way to plan for the week ahead than by checking what the stars have in store?
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
We’re back with another week of astrological forecasts, courtesy of our favorite — Psychic Zya.
Astro Overview:
This week we have a Leo Full Moon on the 12th which will play nicely with the Aquarius sun. This transit can help you feel more glamorous, seductive and flirty overall. It’s a great time for creative projects and enjoying the “eclectic” people in your life.
On the 14th Mercury enters Pisces which will help boost the Full Moon transit and keep the creative theme going.
Seriously, there’s no better transit than to start something creative and cool or even enter a thoughtful partnership of sorts.
Alrighty, let’s see what the stars have in store for your sign this week.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CAPRICORN: Under this Leo Full Moon you may hear of some really good news that you’ve been waiting with bated breath for. Take note that it may come with some drawbacks though so be prepared to trust your gut and move forward accordingly.
RED FLAG: If you find yourself emotionally all over the place this week – stay mature about it — and give people a heads and just try your best to manage yourself. We are human, it happens…
SWEET SPOT: Taking up a breathwork program at this time would go a long way from relieving any chronic stress that you’ve been carrying.
More on the flip.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
AQUARIUS: In this bday season you’re being asked to shift into the spotlight to share more of your various gifts. This could look like a promotion at work or even a press opportunity for entrepreneurs. You may even be asked to teach what you know to a brand new audience. I’m excited for you!
RED FLAG: Be wary of taking on the emotional burden of others this month. This is a quick way to burn out.
SWEET SPOT: When seeking new friends, think first about what you can offer up and what you need emotionally, mentally and physically from said friends.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
PISCES: A brand new chapter wants to unfold for you but it appears that you are self-sabotaging and causing yourself unnecessary blocks, simply because you are clinging so tightly to the past. This will be especially true if you’re someone who has survived traumatic events but continues to replay them in your mind often- slamming you directly into victimhood. If this resonates, check out the Workout Witch on YouTube to help release these heavy emotions from the body and help you get unstuck.
RED FLAG: Beep! Beep! Shadow work ahead! This Leo Full Moon is gonna reveal some inner child wounding that you must attend to. The good news is that if you’ve been working on your healing — this will be a pretty easy event for you to move through.
SWEET SPOT: Help boost your mood and the vibe of your home by treating yourself to a new plant or a fresh bouquet of flowers.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
ARIES: Abundance for you can be found in avoiding politics (of all stripes) and making sure that you are seeing beyond the illusions of both the world stage drama and those that are close to you. You’re being tasked with building your discernment muscle– in other words — know when to speak up and when to stay silent. Just because you can see the lies someone is spilling doesn’t mean you have to call them on it. Just move accordingly in silence.
RED FLAG: Expect a harsh truth about a current or former lover to come hurling at you under this upcoming Full Moon.
SWEET SPOT: Cultivate inner and outer harmony by starting and sticking to a meditative practice. This can be daily nature walks, hot yoga or simply sitting and gazing into the flame of a candle in silence while making a mental gratitude list.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
TAURUS: This week you’ll learn the art of compromise; mainly with yourself and your personal budget. Light will be shed on what is absolutely necessary to spend on vs frivolous spending. This year in general will be a year of financial belt tightening for all Taureans. You down?
RED FLAG: A message may arrive to you via DM or email this week regarding a legal matter. No matter what comes, know that all will be well.
SWEET SPOT: Don’t abandon your dreams. That’s it. That’s the message.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
GEMINI: Having gifts is amazing and sharing them is even better! However, if sharing your gifts has become exhausting then it’s time to stop and reevaluate and perhaps build out a new action plan. This will also really highlight those of you who are working hard at work but not receiving the proper compensation or even the full recognition of your efforts. If this resonates it might be time to chat with the higher ups or look for work elsewhere.
RED FLAG: If “going with the flow” with a group of friends always ends up making you feel like an outsider (because in reality you don’t like the same things) then this may not be the friend group for you.
SWEET SPOT: Investing in upgrading and income-earning skill set at this time, would serve you well.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CANCER: Good fortune for you all at this time will be tied to your creativity. And no this doesn’t mean that you have to be an actual artist to be creative. Creativity flourishes in every aspect of our lives – from how well we manage a team at work to how thoughtfully we parent the young people in our care. Listen to some Sacral chakra meditations while sleeping to help open up your creativity and keep a notepad handy to take down all the juicy ideas that will be coming to you with ease over these next few weeks.
RED FLAG: Some of you are entering a life cycle of rebirth which often means you’ve got to undergo a “Dark Night of The Soul” which simply means that unhealed wounds will come up for healing. Don’t stress, just take good care of yourself emotionally at this time.
SWEET SPOT: Always work to understand another’s POV even if you don’t agree with it. No need to kill friendships and relationships because you don’t agree.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LEO: Quite a few of you (and those with Moons in Leo) are undergoing a rapid spiritual upgrade. Especially those of you who have been working deeply on setting boundaries and wiping out inner child trauma! Kudos! To help facilitate this moment with ease, stick to bodies of water, drink a lot of hydrating juices and get ready to journal your future into a not-too-distant reality.
RED FLAG: If you’ve been feeling to go hermit mode at this time – lean into it! With these spiritual upgrades, spending time with yourself and sitting with your spirit team will be excellent for your soul.
SWEET SPOT: Now is a great time to map out a fitness plan for yourself so that you can have a lovely snatched waistline this summer! Let’s goooo!

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
VIRGO: Your Spirit team wants to take you on a few life adventures this week. Doesn’t that sound terrifying/amazing? LOL. Don’t sweat it, just know that it’s gonna be extra important to follow your heart and your gut this week to have the best luck and countless blessings.
RED FLAG: Got the lazy bones as of late? Be sure to check your vitamin levels and then do a bit of inner work to see if it’s truly laziness or are you simply uninterested in the task at hand?
SWEET SPOT: To enhance a good mood and lots of luck, stick to wearing colors of white, chocolate and gold this week.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LIBRA: Living moment to moment can be exhilarating especially when a life situation is brand spanking new (hello new romance) however for longevity and true comfort from the ground up – one must plan. And stick to the plan. Spirit wants you to ask yourself, where in your life are you not planning properly for the future?
RED FLAG: Don’t be afraid to set up personal boundaries by asking for silence and isolation when needed. People will adjust accordingly and if not then maybe they ain’t your people.
SWEET SPOT: Let guilty people carry their own burdens. This keeps your own vibes high and clear.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SCORPIO: You must summon the courage to take a leap forward. Unfortunately you won’t have all the facts of a situation before you do so, you’ll simply have to trust that it will work out for your benefit in the end. Ask yourself– what is the worst that could happen? Breathe into that vision and do the damn thing anyway. The Universe has your back…just trust.
RED FLAG: Good mental health is a goal for all of us. Make sure you protect yours and support your mind when necessary.
SWEET SPOT: Delve into childlike innocence this week by doing some things you enjoyed doing as a child. You’d be surprised just how good it makes you feel.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SAGITTARIUS: To experience the best that life has to offer it’s gonna be key to tune into your emotions. Not so that they can lead you willy-nilly, but so that they can be a powerful compass to literally living your best life. Meditation, breathwork and being radically honest with yourself will help to facilitate all of this.
RED FLAG: Before you give a new love the title “soulmate” delve deeper into their soul (and yours) to ensure there is true compatibility.
SWEET SPOT: Your divine feminine side needs more gentle support at this time. You can harness this side of yourself by meditating with purple amethyst crystal, taking spiritual baths or getting out in nature. This all helps to power up our intuition and lower our anxiety.